Pastor Gordon Kaneda.   

1966 Born in Sydney Australia.

1980 Encounter with Jesus Christ and became a Christian at a Canadian Missionary’s home meeting (later Shakujii Gospel Church).

1988 Graduated from Rikkyo University with B.A. in English/American Literature.

1986~1991 Music ministry in a church band called “New Way.”

1990 Married Mariam.

1991~1994 Sang in a Japanese praise album “Living Praise” (Word of Life Press).

1996 After working in the business world for 8 years, went to Briercrest Seminary in SK, Canada. 2000 Graduated from Briercrest Seminary with M.Div.

2002 Started Japanese church plan in Lynnwood, WA.

Pastor's story
I was born into a typical Japanese family where we had a small Buddhist altar and a small Shinto shrine in the same room. We had no connection with Christianity whatsoever, but things changed 180 degrees after my dad was transferred to Toronto, Canada when I was 10 years old.

After 2 and a half years, as we returned to Japan, my parents wanted us (my sister and me) to keep our English, so we started to look for an English speaking foreigner. Then one of my classmates introduced us to his neighbor – a 7 feet tall foreign man. We visited them and found out that they were Canadian missionaries. We didn’t really think about them being missionaries. We were simply excited that they were from Canada. So we started going to their home meeting.

It didn’t take long for my mom and my sister to become Christians. As for me…I don’t really remember but I think I accepted Jesus around the same time. My dad was a typical “stubborn Japanese businessman” and it took more than a year until he finally knelt down before God and accepted Him.

Every summer I went to a Christian camp in Nagano. One year at a High School camp, at the end of an evening session while the speaker was praying, out of nowhere I thought, “I want to be a pastor.” I had no clue where such random thought came from, but now as I look back, I guess God was speaking to me.

After returning from the camp, I told my pastor about it, and he said, “First, go to college, then get a job. When you become a pastor, many people who are struggling in their workplace will come to you. It will be helpful if you have some experience.” So I did what I was told. I went to college, then I got a job. My initial plan was to work for a few years and go to Bible school, but I ended up working for 8 years. I got married, and had 2 kids. During the 8 years, I prayed and asked God if my desire to become a pastor was from God or of my own.

Fourteen years after the “calling,” God answered my prayer and finally opened the door to go to Seminary in 1996. Hence we – my wife, 2 sons, and I – moved to Canada. Studying in English, having 2 more children (altogether 4 boys), etc….there are so many stories to tell…but to make a long story short, I graduated with an M.Div in 2000. Then again, God made us wait for 2 years and in 2002, He finally opened the door for us to come to Lynnwood to start a Japanese church. After a long, long journey, I’d finally become a pastor. It was such an amazing journey.  God is amazing!

From our pastor
I love Jesus!

I became a Christian when I was in middle school. Then as I went through high school, university, and the business world, I’ve never thought about walking away from God. It was never difficult for me. Instead, I’ve always been thankful that I became a Christian. Jesus gave up His life in order to save me. For me, to believe in Jesus and depend on such Almighty God is priceless. (Actually, it’s hard to describe in human words…hence “priceless.”) That’s why I want to introduce Jesus to you. I want to tell you how wonderful and amazing it is to live with Jesus and for Jesus. How do I do that? By teaching the Bible – an ancient book – in an understandable, interesting, and relevant manner. (I think that’s my strength…) I once wanted to be a pastor who could sing and dance. But my family ROFLOL (roll on the floor, laughing out loud) when I dance, so I figured I should forget about dancing… Please come and check us out. Don’t worry. We’re not gonna bite, or brainwash you. LJFC is a totally safe place. So please come and visit us. I look forward to seeing you soon!